The Kalaprapleuk Kingdom is an earthly realm in an era of peace, enlightenment and abundance.
The land’s inhabitants are giants compared to us and live for thousands of years at a time. As we listen in on insightful conversations between a novice monk and his master in the Kalaprapleuk Kingdom, we learn about the cyclical influence of Dhamma (the truth taught by Buddha) across aeons, as beings in the human and deva realms transition from dark ages of trauma and great suffering with little or no Dhamma guidance to golden ages of peace in which the Kalaprapleuk Kingdom exists.
As Pali is the sacred language of Teravada Buddhism written in the Pāli Canon or Tipiṭaka, you’ll come across many Pali words in the story to describe passages of time or different realms and beings residing in those realms, both earthly and celestial, as there are no words for them in the English language. Some of those words are explained as they arise, and you’ll find further definitions in the final chapter, ‘The Big Picture’, which puts the Kalaprapleuk Kingdom story into the broader context of Buddhism across the aeons in a multidimensional universe.